openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Query Item description: "The Query Item API is a simple query tool, to retrieve information about items and their locations within a store.\n\n## Security\n\nDepending on the scope held, more or less functionality is available at an endpoint. There are further access controls in place to ensure the scope of the item inventory functionality is within a bounds suitable for the client making the request.\n\n### itm:details\nCan be used to get the item information we have on file for a country\n\nThe Item Query is built following the HATEOAS guidelines.\nWhen using the api, the client should start by first calling the `discovery` operation to get a list of possible links these links can then be followed into perform functions.\n\nIf no correlation token is provided when using this service, it will generate a token for you in the header response." termsOfService: contact: name: Developer email: version: v1.4 servers: - url: description: Production API - url: description: Test is periodically scrubbed of data. - url: description: Sandbox is periodically cleaned regenerated paths: '/detail/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}': get: tags: - Items summary: Retrieves Item with details. (Auth itm:details) description: 'Retrieves the ItemNumber, Description, FamilyTree, UnspscCode, StartDate, EndDate, LastUpdate, TaxInformation,ItemType, MinimumGrades, SaleUnitOfMeasure, ProductOffer, Barcodes, Sourcing, ZoningInformation, RatingsRiskAndCompliance, UsageAttributes.' operationId: ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code for the country the item requested belongs to. currently only Australia AU or New Zealand NU required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: itemNumber in: path description: item number of item required: true schema: type: string - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' - name: $select in: query description: "Select can optionally be used to project only the required properties of the entity/entities from the server.\n- list required properties separated with a ','.\n- property names are case insensitive.\n- '\\\\*' can be used as a wild card for any property.\n- use '/' to address complex type properties.\n\nexample: $select=name,address/state,contact/*/phoneNumber" schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' examples: Default: value: {"itemNumber":"2582847","brand":"Branch","comparisonUom":{"comparisonUnit":0,"comparisonUnitOfMeasure":"m"},"description":{"sectionDescription":"CUBE INSERT FLEXI STORAGE","productDescription":"33X33X27MM WINE RACK BLACK"},"familyTree":{"iD":"13266","nodes":[{"name":"CATEGORY","level":1,"value":"PAINTING AND STORAGE"},{"name":"DEPARTMENT","level":2,"value":"STORAGE AND ORGANISATION D"},{"name":"SUB_DEPARTMENT","level":3,"value":"WARDROBE ORGANISATION SD"},{"name":"CLASS","level":4,"value":"UTILITY STORAGE CL"},{"name":"SUB_CLASS","level":5,"value":"CUBE STORAGE SC"}]},"unspscCode":"24112401","startDate":"2013-03-05T13:32:49Z","endDate":"2013-04-05T13:32:49Z","lastUpdate":"2019-03-14T06:08:33Z","taxInformation":{"taxCode":"P1AU","taxRate":10},"itemType":"RETAIL","minimumGrades":[{"locationType":"Warehouse","grade":"C*"}],"saleUnitOfMeasure":"Each","productOffer":"Standard","barcodes":[{"number":"9341136008791","level":"Consumer","packaging":[{"part":1,"dimension":{"unitOfMeasure":"MM","length":340,"width":280,"height":55},"volume":{"unitOfMeasure":"M3","value":0.0052},"weight":{"unitOfMeasure":"KG","net":3.37,"gross":3.37}}],"hierarchy":{"childBarcode":"ABC1234456670","childQuantity":34,"baseUnitBarcode":"ABC1234567890","baseUnitQuantity":56},"AdditionalDescription":"This is additional description."}],"sourcing":{"suppliers":[{"jurisdiction":"Domestic","supplierCode":"str1234","startDate":"2012-12-13T12:12:12Z","endDate":"2012-12-13T12:12:12Z","packQty":123.45,"packUOM":"125","supplierBarcodes":[{"primary":false,"number":"str12340","level":"1","packaging":[{"part":0,"dimension":{"unitOfMeasure":"Kg","length":2,"width":3,"height":2},"volume":{"unitOfMeasure":"lt","value":2},"weight":{"unitOfMeasure":"kg","net":2.5,"gross":3}}],"hierarchy":{"childBarcode":"Consumer","childQuantity":1,"baseUnitBarcode":"Case12345","baseUnitQuantity":2},"AdditionalDescription":"The 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alert based message","alertCustomerMessage":"This is alert based message","restrictionSizing":{"maxQuantity":300,"maxLength":20},"validTransactions":{"transaction":"SALE"}},"minimumAge":30}],"fulfilmentDetails":{"deliveryType":{"code":"MET_PARCEL","description":"Metro Parcel"},"freightType":{"code":"MET_PARCEL","description":"Metro Parcel"},"isDirectDelivery":false,"leadTimes":{"supplierDispatch":"3","supplierToBunnings":"3","supplierToCustomer":"2","bunningsDispatch":"1"}},"webCommerceAttributes":{"visible":true,"transactable":true,"inStorePickup":true,"AvailableForDelivery":true,"comment":"Click and Collect/Deliver"}}],"ratingsRiskAndCompliance":{"highRisk":"true","supplierDeclarationsOfConformity":[{"Description":"str1234","URL":"https://www.tempUri.Org"}],"weightRating":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":123.45},"safetyStandards":{"aCCCMandatoryStandard":"true","standards":[{"standardName":"str1234","referenceNumber":"str1234"}],"safetyDataSheet":{"Description":"This description","URL":"https://www.tempUri.Org"}},"dangerousGood":{"class":"str1234","classPackagingGroup":"str1234","hazardClassifications":["str1234"],"hazardousContent":{"measure":{"unitOfMeasure":"kg","value":123.45},"chemicalIngredients":{"ingredient":["str1234"]}}},"timberProduct":{"supplierCompliance":[{"supplierCode":"str123","certificationClaim":"str1234","certificationCode":"str1234"}]},"buildingProduct":{"installationDocuments":[{"Description":"This description","URL":"https://www.tempUri.Org"}],"conformanceDocuments":[{"Description":"This description","URL":"https://www.tempUri.Org"}],"otherDocuments":[{"Description":"str1234","URL":"https://www.tempUri.Org"}]},"wels":{"watermarkCertificate":"str1234","starRating":123.45,"consumption":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":123.45},"toilet":{"fullFlush":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12},"halfFlush":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12},"averageFlush":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12}},"dishwasher":{"placeSettings":"str1234","consumptionPerPlaceSetting":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12}}},"energyRatings":{"starRating":12,"powerConsumption":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12},"externalPowerSupplyMaxOutput":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12},"heatingAndCooling":{"rating":[{"ratingName":"Air Conditioning Efficiency Ratio","value":{"unitOfMeasure":"str1234","value":12}}]},"lighting":{"rating":[{"ratingName":"Ballast Lamp 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ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}`" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"errors":{"ItemNumber":[{"message":"'Item Number' must be 7 characters in length. You entered 1 characters."},{"message":"'Item Number' is not in the correct format."}],"locationCode":[{"message":"'locationCode'must be a 4 digit string."}],"ItemNumbers[0]":[{"message":"'Item Numbers' must be between 7 and 7 characters. You entered 8 characters."}],"LocationCodes[0]":[{"message":"'Location Codes' must be between 4 and 4 characters. You entered 5 characters."}],"ItemNumbers":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Location Codes, the total number can't be more than 100"}],"LocationCodes":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Item Numbers, the total number can't be more than 100"}]}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details '/details/{countryCode}': get: tags: - Items summary: Retrieves details for Items by country code. (Auth itm:details) description: 'Retrieves the ItemNumber, Description, FamilyTree, UnspscCode, StartDate, EndDate, LastUpdate, TaxInformation,ItemType, MinimumGrades, SaleUnitOfMeasure, ProductOffer, Barcodes, Sourcing, ZoningInformation, RatingsRiskAndCompliance, UsageAttributes.' operationId: ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code for the country the item requested belongs to. currently only Australia AU or New Zealand NU required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: itemNumbers in: query description: Comma separated list of one or more of the Bunnings unique identifier for Items. This is a 7 digit numerical. schema: type: string - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' - name: $select in: query description: "Select can optionally be used to project only the required properties of the entity/entities from the server.\n- list required properties separated with a ','.\n- property names are case insensitive.\n- '\\\\*' can be used as a wild card for any property.\n- use '/' to address complex type properties.\n\nexample: $select=name,address/state,contact/*/phoneNumber" schema: type: string - name: $orderby in: query description: "Order By can be optionally used to control the sequence the entities of the collection are returned in.\nThis collection can have a maximum of 1 order properties separated by a ',' character.\nSorting can be done in asc or desc order by following the property name by a space and then the key words asc or desc.\nIf no direction is specified then asc is assumed.\nThis collection can be sorted by the following properties:\n - itemnumber\n - itemtype\nexample: $orderby=name desc,address/state asc.\ndefault: itemnumber" schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemDetails' examples: Default: value: {"items":[{"itemNumber":"2582847","brand":"Branch","comparisonUom":{"comparisonUnit":0,"comparisonUnitOfMeasure":"m"},"description":{"sectionDescription":"CUBE INSERT FLEXI STORAGE","productDescription":"33X33X27MM WINE RACK BLACK"},"familyTree":{"iD":"13266","nodes":[{"name":"CATEGORY","level":1,"value":"PAINTING AND STORAGE"},{"name":"DEPARTMENT","level":2,"value":"STORAGE AND ORGANISATION D"},{"name":"SUB_DEPARTMENT","level":3,"value":"WARDROBE ORGANISATION SD"},{"name":"CLASS","level":4,"value":"UTILITY STORAGE CL"},{"name":"SUB_CLASS","level":5,"value":"CUBE STORAGE 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description."}],"sourcing":{"suppliers":[{"jurisdiction":"Domestic","supplierCode":"str1234","startDate":"2012-12-13T12:12:12Z","endDate":"2012-12-13T12:12:12Z","packQty":123.45,"packUOM":"125","supplierBarcodes":[{"primary":false,"number":"str12340","level":"1","packaging":[{"part":0,"dimension":{"unitOfMeasure":"Kg","length":2,"width":3,"height":2},"volume":{"unitOfMeasure":"lt","value":2},"weight":{"unitOfMeasure":"kg","net":2.5,"gross":3}}],"hierarchy":{"childBarcode":"Consumer","childQuantity":1,"baseUnitBarcode":"Case12345","baseUnitQuantity":2},"AdditionalDescription":"The 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links: ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET: operationId: ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}`" ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET: operationId: ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}`" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"errors":{"ItemNumber":[{"message":"'Item Number' must be 7 characters in length. You entered 1 characters."},{"message":"'Item Number' is not in the correct format."}],"locationCode":[{"message":"'locationCode'must be a 4 digit string."}],"ItemNumbers[0]":[{"message":"'Item Numbers' must be between 7 and 7 characters. You entered 8 characters."}],"LocationCodes[0]":[{"message":"'Location Codes' must be between 4 and 4 characters. You entered 5 characters."}],"ItemNumbers":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Location Codes, the total number can't be more than 100"}],"LocationCodes":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Item Numbers, the total number can't be more than 100"}]}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details /discovery: get: tags: - Discovery summary: Provides an overview to current functionality offered by the API for that version (Auth itm:details) description: Discovery API start point operationId: ITM:001/Discovery/GET parameters: - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EntryPoint' examples: Default: value: {"_meta":{"serverState":"AUlUTTowMDIvZGV0YWlscy9Db3VudHJ5Q29kZS9HRVQDQTk3QTE2OEItNERBNC00NDRELUFBOUQtM0Q0Q0EwNUM1QUEyAwMAAKyPwonYCA"},"_links":[{"rel":"ITM:001/Discovery/GET","href":"/discovery","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET","href":"/details/{countryCode}","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET","href":"/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:008/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET","href":"/locations/{countryCode}?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:007/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET","href":"/locations/{countryCode}?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:009/locations/ItemNumber/locationCode/GET","href":"/locations/{countryCode}/messages?itemNumber={itemNumber}&locationCode={locationCode}","methods":["GET"]},{"rel":"ITM:006/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET","href":"/locations/{countryCode}/search?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}","methods":["GET"]}]} links: ITM:001/Discovery/GET: operationId: ITM:001/Discovery/GET description: "Initial discovery endpoint ascertain new entry link availabilities.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/discovery`" ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET: operationId: ITM:002/details/CountryCode/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}`" ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET: operationId: ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}`" ITM:006/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET: operationId: ITM:006/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET description: "Retrieves details for Items for the given Item Number(s) and the For the Given Location(s). The search result can be filtered using ODATA.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/locations/{countryCode}/search?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}`" ITM:007/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET: operationId: ITM:007/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/locations/{countryCode}?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}`" ITM:008/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET: operationId: ITM:008/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/locations/{countryCode}?itemNumbers={itemNumbers}&locationCodes={locationCodes}`" ITM:009/locations/ItemNumber/locationCode/GET: operationId: ITM:009/locations/ItemNumber/locationCode/GET description: "Get Item location details with messages by country code, item number and location code.\n\n_Url Template:_ `/locations/{countryCode}/messages?itemNumber={itemNumber}&locationCode={locationCode}`" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GenericValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Bad Request","status":400,"detail":"The request is invalid.","errors":{}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details '/locations/{countryCode}': get: tags: - Item Location summary: Retrieves item details for the given Item Number(s) and Location(s). (Auth itm:details) description: "'Retrieves the ItemNumber, LocationCode, ItemStatus, IsOnRecall, IsRanged, PrimaryBarcode, InStoreLocations, Suppliers, IsSellableInStore.'\r\n\r\nNOTE-- Not more than 100 records are allowed as input and would result in an error.Calculation of total records is a product of itemNumbers and locationCodes.i.e total requests = LocationCodes * ItemNumbers For example if 10 item numbers are requested for 10 locationCodes, that makes the request = LocationCode * ItemNumbers = 100 total records.\r\n\r\nSo a query with total requests > 100 needs to be treated as a failure scenario and would result in a response with BAD REQUEST(Http Status code 400) With the reason as 'Too many records requested, the total number can't be more than 100 '.\r\n\r\nNOTE-- Only the ItemNumbers found in the data source would be returned.So if 90 ItemNumbers are provided in the requests and only 89 are found in the data source, Only Details of 89 Items would be returned." operationId: ITM:008/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: Country Code required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: itemNumbers in: query description: Comma separated list of one or more of the Bunnings unique identifier for Items. This is a 7 digit numerical. required: true schema: type: string - name: locationCodes in: query description: Comma separated list of one or more store Identifiers required: true schema: type: string - name: includeItemDetail in: query description: include item detail in the response schema: type: boolean default: false - name: includeMessages in: query description: flag to include item location messages in the response schema: type: boolean default: false - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' - name: $select in: query description: "Select can optionally be used to project only the required properties of the entity/entities from the server.\n- list required properties separated with a ','.\n- property names are case insensitive.\n- '\\\\*' can be used as a wild card for any property.\n- use '/' to address complex type properties.\n\nexample: $select=name,address/state,contact/*/phoneNumber" schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationV1_2' '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"errors":{"ItemNumber":[{"message":"'Item Number' must be 7 characters in length. You entered 1 characters."},{"message":"'Item Number' is not in the correct format."}],"locationCode":[{"message":"'locationCode'must be a 4 digit string."}],"ItemNumbers[0]":[{"message":"'Item Numbers' must be between 7 and 7 characters. You entered 8 characters."}],"LocationCodes[0]":[{"message":"'Location Codes' must be between 4 and 4 characters. You entered 5 characters."}],"ItemNumbers":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Location Codes, the total number can't be more than 100"}],"LocationCodes":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Item Numbers, the total number can't be more than 100"}]}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details '/locations/{countryCode}/messages': get: tags: - Item Location summary: Retrieves Item details with messages for the given Item Number and Location. (Auth itm:details) description: "'Retrieves the ItemNumber, LocationCode, ItemStatus, IsOnRecall, IsRanged, PrimaryBarcode, InStoreLocations, Suppliers.'\r\n NOTE-- includeMessages parameter is true by default, if messages are not required pass false." operationId: ITM:009/locations/ItemNumber/locationCode/GET parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: Country Code required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: itemNumber in: query description: Bunnings unique identifier for Items. This is a 7 digit number. required: true schema: type: string - name: locationCode in: query description: Bunnings store Identifier. This is a 4 digit number required: true schema: type: string - name: includeMessages in: query description: flag to include item location messages in the response schema: type: boolean default: true - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' - name: $select in: query description: "Select can optionally be used to project only the required properties of the entity/entities from the server.\n- list required properties separated with a ','.\n- property names are case insensitive.\n- '\\\\*' can be used as a wild card for any property.\n- use '/' to address complex type properties.\n\nexample: $select=name,address/state,contact/*/phoneNumber" schema: type: string - name: $filter in: query description: "Filter can be optionally used to filter out entities of the collection.\nA filter is comprised of one or more expressions joined with the following logical operators listed bellow in precedence order.\n\n*Allowed Logical Operators*\r\n * `()`\r\n * `not `\r\n * ` and `\r\n * ` or `\r\n\n\nThe filter can not exceed a maximum of 4 complexity which is a sum of the complexity of each expression in the filter.\nExpressions match one of the bellow patterns\n\n**Basic Filters**\r\n|Complexity|Property|Operators|ValueRegex|Description|\r\n|----------|---------|---------|----------|-----------|\r\n|1|isOnRecall|Equal|(true|false)||\r\n|1|isRanged|Equal|(true|false)||\r\n|1|availability|Equal|('Located'|'Special_Order'|'Other')||\r\n|1|itemStatus|Equal|('Trial'|'De-Ranged'|'Archived'|'Suspended'|'Transact'|'Quit (S1)'|'Live'|'Restricted'|'Isolation'|'Deleted'|'Closed'|'Quit (S2)'|'Withdrawal'|'Recall'|'Draft'|'Quit (S3)'|'CSO'|'Promotion')||\r\n\r\n*Matching Regex Patterns*:\r\n * (?'property'[iI][sS][oO][nN][rR][eE][cC][aA][lL][lL]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value'true|false)\r\n * (?'property'[iI][sS][rR][aA][nN][gG][eE][dD]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value'true|false)\r\n * (?'property'[aA][vV][aA][iI][lL][aA][bB][iI][lL][iI][tT][yY]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value''Located'|'Special_Order'|'Other')\r\n * (?'property'[iI][tT][eE][mM][sS][tT][aA][tT][uU][sS]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value''Trial'|'De-Ranged'|'Archived'|'Suspended'|'Transact'|'Quit (S1)'|'Live'|'Restricted'|'Isolation'|'Deleted'|'Closed'|'Quit (S2)'|'Withdrawal'|'Recall'|'Draft'|'Quit (S3)'|'CSO'|'Promotion')\r\n\r\n*Allowed Operators*\r\n * Equal = ` eq `\r\n\r\n\r\nSample filter: $filter=name eq 'Bob' and (address/state in ['WA','VIC'] or age gt 10)\r\n\n\n" schema: type: string - name: $skip in: query description: "skip can be used to skip the first n number of results of the sequences of entities of the collection.\n\nexample: $skip=5" schema: minimum: 0 type: integer - name: $top in: query description: "top can be used to take the first n number of results of the sequences of entities of the collection. the maximum value for top is 100\n\nexample: $top=5" schema: minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationV1_2' '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"errors":{"ItemNumber":[{"message":"'Item Number' must be 7 characters in length. You entered 1 characters."},{"message":"'Item Number' is not in the correct format."}],"locationCode":[{"message":"'locationCode'must be a 4 digit string."}],"ItemNumbers[0]":[{"message":"'Item Numbers' must be between 7 and 7 characters. You entered 8 characters."}],"LocationCodes[0]":[{"message":"'Location Codes' must be between 4 and 4 characters. You entered 5 characters."}],"ItemNumbers":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Location Codes, the total number can't be more than 100"}],"LocationCodes":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Item Numbers, the total number can't be more than 100"}]}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details '/locations/{countryCode}/search': get: tags: - Item Location summary: Retrieves item details for the given Item Number(s) and Location(s). (Auth itm:details) description: "'Retrieves the ItemNumber, LocationCode, ItemStatus, IsOnRecall, IsRanged, PrimaryBarcode, InStoreLocations, Suppliers.'\r\n\r\nNOTE-- Not more than 100 records are allowed as input and would result in an error.Calculation of total records is a product of itemNumbers and locationCodes.i.e total requests = LocationCodes * ItemNumbers For example if 10 item numbers are requested for 10 locationCodes, that makes the request = LocationCode * ItemNumbers = 100 total records.\r\n\r\nSo a query with total requests > 100 needs to be treated as a failure scenario and would result in a response with BAD REQUEST(Http Status code 400) With the reason as 'Too many records requested, the total number can't be more than 100 '.\r\n\r\nNOTE-- Only the ItemNumbers found in the data source would be returned.So if 90 ItemNumbers are provided in the requests and only 89 are found in the data source, Only Details of 89 Items would be returned." operationId: ITM:006/locations/ItemNumber/locationCodes/GET parameters: - name: countryCode in: path description: Country Code required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: itemNumbers in: query description: Comma separated list of one or more of the Bunnings unique identifier for Items. This is a 7 digit numerical. required: true schema: type: string - name: locationCodes in: query description: Comma separated list of one or more store Identifiers required: true schema: type: string - name: includeMessages in: query description: flag to include item location messages in the response schema: type: boolean default: false - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' - name: $select in: query description: "Select can optionally be used to project only the required properties of the entity/entities from the server.\n- list required properties separated with a ','.\n- property names are case insensitive.\n- '\\\\*' can be used as a wild card for any property.\n- use '/' to address complex type properties.\n\nexample: $select=name,address/state,contact/*/phoneNumber" schema: type: string - name: $filter in: query description: "Filter can be optionally used to filter out entities of the collection.\nA filter is comprised of one or more expressions joined with the following logical operators listed bellow in precedence order.\n\n*Allowed Logical Operators*\r\n * `()`\r\n * `not `\r\n * ` and `\r\n * ` or `\r\n\n\nThe filter can not exceed a maximum of 4 complexity which is a sum of the complexity of each expression in the filter.\nExpressions match one of the bellow patterns\n\n**Basic Filters**\r\n|Complexity|Property|Operators|ValueRegex|Description|\r\n|----------|---------|---------|----------|-----------|\r\n|1|isOnRecall|Equal|(true|false)||\r\n|1|isRanged|Equal|(true|false)||\r\n|1|availability|Equal|('Located'|'Special_Order'|'Other')||\r\n|1|itemStatus|Equal|('Trial'|'De-Ranged'|'Archived'|'Suspended'|'Transact'|'Quit (S1)'|'Live'|'Restricted'|'Isolation'|'Deleted'|'Closed'|'Quit (S2)'|'Withdrawal'|'Recall'|'Draft'|'Quit (S3)'|'CSO'|'Promotion')||\r\n\r\n*Matching Regex Patterns*:\r\n * (?'property'[iI][sS][oO][nN][rR][eE][cC][aA][lL][lL]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value'true|false)\r\n * (?'property'[iI][sS][rR][aA][nN][gG][eE][dD]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value'true|false)\r\n * (?'property'[aA][vV][aA][iI][lL][aA][bB][iI][lL][iI][tT][yY]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value''Located'|'Special_Order'|'Other')\r\n * (?'property'[iI][tT][eE][mM][sS][tT][aA][tT][uU][sS]) (?'operation'eq) (?'value''Trial'|'De-Ranged'|'Archived'|'Suspended'|'Transact'|'Quit (S1)'|'Live'|'Restricted'|'Isolation'|'Deleted'|'Closed'|'Quit (S2)'|'Withdrawal'|'Recall'|'Draft'|'Quit (S3)'|'CSO'|'Promotion')\r\n\r\n*Allowed Operators*\r\n * Equal = ` eq `\r\n\r\n\r\nSample filter: $filter=name eq 'Bob' and (address/state in ['WA','VIC'] or age gt 10)\r\n\n\n" schema: type: string - name: $skip in: query description: "skip can be used to skip the first n number of results of the sequences of entities of the collection.\n\nexample: $skip=5" schema: minimum: 0 type: integer - name: $top in: query description: "top can be used to take the first n number of results of the sequences of entities of the collection. the maximum value for top is 100\n\nexample: $top=5" schema: minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': description: Success headers: ETag: description: An ETag of the resource schema: type: string description: An ETag of the resource format: '' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationSearchV1_2' '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"errors":{"ItemNumber":[{"message":"'Item Number' must be 7 characters in length. You entered 1 characters."},{"message":"'Item Number' is not in the correct format."}],"locationCode":[{"message":"'locationCode'must be a 4 digit string."}],"ItemNumbers[0]":[{"message":"'Item Numbers' must be between 7 and 7 characters. You entered 8 characters."}],"LocationCodes[0]":[{"message":"'Location Codes' must be between 4 and 4 characters. You entered 5 characters."}],"ItemNumbers":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Location Codes, the total number can't be more than 100"}],"LocationCodes":[{"message":"Too many records requested in Item Numbers, the total number can't be more than 100"}]}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details '/search/{countryCode}': post: tags: - Items Search summary: Search List of Items (Auth itm:details) description: 'This endpoint enables users to search for items based on the country code and any additional filters specified in the request body. It returns a list of items matching the provided criteria, offering a continuation token for larger result sets.' operationId: ITM:011/search/CountryCode/POST parameters: - name: continuationToken in: header description: The continuationToken is a parameter used for pagination in large data sets. schema: type: string - name: countryCode in: path description: country Code required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' - name: x-version-api in: header description: The API version the client is calling this endpoint at. When calling this api the client must provided the version of the api they have been written against this allows the api to correctly support the calling clients. Clients are still required to support non breaking changes within the same version required: true schema: type: string example: '1.4' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SearchModelRequest' example: {"query":"lawn","filters":{"facets":[{"id":"@Automotive","value":"Automotive"},{"id":"@price_6401","startRange":0,"endRange":500,"endInclusive":true}],"locationCode":"6401","availableInStoreAllProducts":{"allProducts":false,"inStoreToday":false}},"sortBy":"relevancy"} responses: '200': description: Success content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SearchResponse' example: {"results":[{"title":"Exide Powerider N06 Lawn Mower Battery","itemNumber":"0126470","_meta":{"countryCode":"AU","itemNumber":"0126470"},"_links":[{"rel":"ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET","href":"/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}","methods":["GET"]}]}],"facets":[{"id":"supercategories","displayName":"SuperCategories","type":"specific","values":[{"displayName":"Automotive","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"value":"Automotive"},{"displayName":"Building & Hardware","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"value":"Building & Hardware"},{"displayName":"Garden","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"value":"Garden"},{"displayName":"Outdoor Living","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"value":"Outdoor Living"},{"displayName":"Tools","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"value":"Tools"}]},{"id":"@price_6401","displayName":"price_6401","type":"Range","values":[{"displayName":"0 - 50","isSelected":false,"resultCount":1,"endInclusive":false,"startRange":0,"endRange":50},{"displayName":"50 - 100","isSelected":false,"resultCount":5,"endInclusive":false,"startRange":50,"endRange":100},{"displayName":"100 - 150","isSelected":false,"resultCount":6,"endInclusive":false,"startRange":100,"endRange":150}]}],"_meta":{},"_links":[]} links: ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET: operationId: ITM:003/detail/CountryCode/ItemNumber/GET description: "Get Item Details by country code and ItemNumber.\n\n_Path To Link:_ `$.results[*]`\n\n_Url Template:_ `/details/{countryCode}/{itemNumber}`" '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GenericValidationErrorsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Bad Request","status":400,"detail":"The request is invalid.","errors":{}} '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MissingResourceProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"ItemLocation not found","status":404,"detail":"Item id: 12345"} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Too Many Requests","status":429,"detail":"The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please retry after 60 seconds.","instance":""} '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Forbidden","status":403,"detail":"The server understood the request, but is refusing to authorize it. The user isn't authorized to request for the resource.","instance":""} '500': description: Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServerErrorProblemDetails' example: {"type":"","title":"Server Error","status":500,"detail":"An error occurred processing your request. We are sorry for the trouble and please try again in a moment.","instance":""} '401': description: Unauthorized 5XX: description: An unexpected error has occurred security: - oauth2: - itm:details components: schemas: AvailableInStore: type: object properties: allProducts: type: boolean description: All Products inStoreToday: type: boolean description: In Store Today description: only shows the products that are available in the store. Barcode: type: object properties: number: type: string description: A bar code that belongs to this item. nullable: true level: type: string description: "Is this a barcode for one unit of this item or a case of them.\r\nBarcodeLevelValues:\r\n A Consumer barcode is a barcode on the item that will be sold to the consumer.\r\n A Case barcode is a barcode on a shipping carton containing x number of the consumer item.\r\n enum:\r\n - Consumer\r\n - Case" nullable: true packaging: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Box' description: "Packaging information regarding the number, size, volume, weight of the components that make up the item.\r\nPackaging information is at manufacturer level, manufacturers are allocated barcodes not suppliers." nullable: true hierarchy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Hierarchy' AdditionalDescription: type: string description: "Additional description for the barcoded product e.g. for greenlife this is most likely to be the\r\nbotanical name of the product" nullable: true supplierItemNumber: type: string description: Item number for this product designate within the suppliers systems. nullable: true description: "The bar code number for this product. A bar code can be 8 to g``943 digits\r\nfor the item bar code itself.And package bar codes can be 14 digits." BaseItemType: type: object properties: code: type: string description: For grouped base products this will be a unique identifier. nullable: true name: type: string description: The enriched name for the base product. nullable: true isDummy: type: boolean description: The base product is a dummy base product or not. variantCategories: type: array items: type: string description: The enriched variant category for the base product. nullable: true description: Base item type Box: type: object properties: part: type: integer description: Part format: int32 dimension: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dimension' volume: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Measurement' weight: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Weight' description: 'Box information - part, dimension, volume and weight' Brand: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique and mandatory code for brand. nullable: true name: type: string description: Name of the brand nullable: true description: type: string description: Description of the brand nullable: true leadingBrand: type: boolean description: Is leading brand flag of the brand tradeBrand: type: boolean description: Is trade brand flag of the brand marketplaceBrand: type: boolean description: Is marketplace brand flag of the brand logo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' description: Item brand info BuildingProduct: type: object properties: installationDocuments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUrl' description: URL where the installation instructions can be found. nullable: true conformanceDocuments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUrl' description: Conformance document information nullable: true otherDocuments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUrl' description: Other documents information nullable: true description: "A building product is any material or other thing associated with, or could be associated with\r\na building.Associated with means incorporated into, or connected to a building by carrying\r\nout building work. Mostly related to fire, structural components, damp or weatherproofing,\r\nventilation and sanitaion, safe movement/access and egress and energy efficiency." Category: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique and mandatory code for category nullable: true name: type: string description: Name of the category nullable: true level: type: string description: Level of the category nullable: true description: Category ChemicalIngredients: type: object properties: ingredient: type: array items: type: string description: ingredient nullable: true description: List of ingredients that make up the content of the hazardous material ChildItem: type: object properties: itemNumber: type: string description: Item number nullable: true multiple: type: number description: Multiple format: double description: Child item Classification: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique id for product classification code nullable: true name: type: string description: The name of the product classification name nullable: true features: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Feature' description: Features nullable: true description: Classification ComparisonUom: type: object properties: comparisonUnit: type: number description: "The price divisor\r\nFor example - if the items are 250mmx250mm tiles, we will want the price per Square Metre.\r\nComparison Unit of Measure = Square Metre\r\nComparison Unit = 0.0625 (it will take 4x4 tiles to make a SQM, and therefore 1 tile is 1/16th of a Square Metre). $0.80 per tile would be $12.80 per SQM.\r\nNote 1: If the item was a Carton of 16 Tiles, the Comparison Unit will be 1, as the Box is 1 Square Metre. $10 for the carton would be $10 per SQM.\r\n \r\nNote 2: If the item was a Carton of 50 Tiles, the Comparison Unit will be 3.125, as the Box would cover 3.125 Square Metres. $30 for the carton would be $9.60 per SQM." format: decimal comparisonUnitOfMeasure: type: string description: The comparison (price per) unit of measure for this product. nullable: true description: Comparison Unit of Measure and the Comparison Unit Correlation: type: object properties: correlationId: type: string description: Item Correlation Id nullable: true commonItemNumberFlag: type: boolean description: "Flag to indicate if it is a common item number.\r\n- True: when this product represented by this Item has or would have the same item-number across all listings.\r\n- False: when this product represented by this Item has or would have different item-numbers in at least one listing.\r\nWhere a single product is determined by having the same CorrelationId in all item listings.\r\nNote: A product can start out with a common item number, then if archived in one country and\r\n brought back again under a new item number, would change to no longer have a common item number." description: "For information that informs correlation of an item across countries,\r\nsuch as if the item is common across countries\r\nand if it has a shared item number." CostDetail: type: object properties: costZone: type: string description: This is the descriptive cost zone that the cost is for nullable: true cost: type: number description: This is the cost for an item in its appropriate cost zone for Bunnings from the supplier format: decimal costUnitPrice: type: number description: This is the cost unit price for an item format: decimal description: Cost Detail Information CountryCode: enum: - AU - NZ type: string description: Defines the enumerated countries that Bunnings operates in DangerousGood: type: object properties: class: type: string description: Dangerous goods that can harm people. These items are given a hazard class number with each number associated to a chemical characteristic. nullable: true classPackagingGroup: type: string description: 'Known values (I,II,III,Aerosol,Manufactured Product)' nullable: true hazardClassifications: type: array items: type: string description: 'List of Hazard Classifications, which the item belongs. Can select multiple hazard classifications.' nullable: true hazardousContent: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HazardousContent' description: Dangerous Goods Classification DeliveryTypeClass: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Code for the type of delivery/freight used by this for this item. nullable: true description: type: string description: "Description of the above. This is required as this is most likely to have\r\nthe comment if it is a direct delivery item number." nullable: true description: Delivery Freight Item Type code and description Description: type: object properties: sectionDescription: type: string description: Part 1 of the items inventory description. The description is a string up to 30 characters in length. nullable: true productDescription: type: string description: Part 2 of the items inventory description. The description is a string up to 30 characters in length. nullable: true description: An items description consist of two 30 character strings. This is the core description of the product in inventory Dimension: type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string description: unit of measurement nullable: true length: type: number description: length format: double width: type: number description: width format: double height: type: number description: height format: double description: Dimension of box Dishwasher: type: object properties: placeSettings: type: string description: Place Settings nullable: true consumptionPerPlaceSetting: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' description: Dishwasher details DocumentSection: enum: - OTHER - WARRANTY - SPECIFICATION - BROCHURE - INSTRUCTIONS - USERGUIDE - MATERIALSAFETY - SDOCFORM - INSTALLATION - MANUAL - ASEEMBLY_GUIDES type: string description: Document section enum DocumentUrl: type: object properties: Description: type: string description: Brief description of the document nullable: true URL: type: string description: URL of the document format: uri nullable: true description: Description of the document and the URL EnergyRating: type: object properties: ratingName: type: string description: Energy rating of lighting type nullable: true value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Measurement' description: Energy rating of lighting type EnergyRatings: type: object properties: starRating: type: number description: Star rating format: double nullable: true powerConsumption: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' externalPowerSupplyMaxOutput: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' heatingAndCooling: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HeatingAndCooling' lighting: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Lighting' description: Energy Rating Details EnrichedItem: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The enriched name for the product nullable: true origin: type: string description: The origin of product whether Marketplace or Operator nullable: true description: type: string description: Item full description nullable: true baseProduct: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BaseItemType' variantValueCategories: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VariantOption' description: The variant value category enriched at the variant nullable: true brand: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Brand' otherImages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' description: Other product images nullable: true videos: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' description: Product videos nullable: true keySellingPoints: type: array items: type: string description: Key Selling features for the product nullable: true microSiteKeySellingPoint: type: array items: type: string description: MicroSite Key Selling features for the product nullable: true warrantyInformation: type: string description: Warranty information for the product nullable: true installationInformation: type: string description: Installation information for the product nullable: true sustainabilityInformation: type: string description: Sustainability information for the product nullable: true deliveryInformation: type: string description: Delivery information for the product nullable: true showServices: type: boolean description: Show Service for the product availableServices: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Service' description: Product available services nullable: true productDimensions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductDimension' description: Product dimensions nullable: true classification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Classification' warrantyDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' specificationsDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' brochureDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' installationGuideDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' userGuideDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' instructionsDocument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' materialSafetyDataSheet: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' sDoCForm: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' webDisclaimer: type: string description: The disclaimer to be displayed on the site nullable: true forHireFlag: type: boolean description: denotes if the item is available for hire fscFlag: type: boolean description: Is Forest Stewardship Council Certified bestSellerFlag: type: boolean description: Flag if the product is a best seller product newArrivalFlag: type: boolean description: Flag if the product is a new arrival picture: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType' size: type: string description: The enriched product sizing nullable: true weight: type: string description: The enriched product weight nullable: true volume: type: string description: The enriched product volume nullable: true modelName: type: string description: Model Name that is enriched in PCM by Supplier. nullable: true modelNumber: type: string description: Model Number that is enriched in PCM by Supplier nullable: true colour: type: string description: Variant colour that is enriched in PCM nullable: true familyColour: type: string description: Variant's family colour that is enriched in PCM nullable: true hexCodeColour: type: string description: HexCode colour information of the product nullable: true material: type: string description: Variant Material that is enriched in PCM by Supplier nullable: true suppliers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EnrichedSupplier' description: Suppliers nullable: true isWebVisible: type: string description: Is Product active on web nullable: true familyTree: type: string description: Family tree structure of a product nullable: true webPurchasable: type: string description: denotes if the item is available for web purchase nullable: true navCategories: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category' description: Navigation categories nullable: true description: Contain item enriched details EnrichedSupplier: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique and mandatory code for brand nullable: true name: type: string description: Name of the brand nullable: true description: Enriched supplier info EntryPoint: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true readOnly: true description: Entry point Facet: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The ID of the facet. nullable: true displayName: type: string description: The display name of the facet. nullable: true type: type: string description: The type of the facet. nullable: true values: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FacetValue' description: The list of facet values. nullable: true description: 'Represents a facet, which allows users to filter search results by specific criteria.' FacetRequest: required: - id type: object properties: id: minLength: 1 type: string description: "This is the identifier of the filter.\r\nIt can be a category, a product range, a brand name, or a price range." value: type: string description: "This is the value of the filter. It can be a specific category,\r\na specific brand name,\r\nor a specific availability status." nullable: true startRange: type: number description: "This field is used when the filter is a range,\r\nlike a price range. They represent the start and the end of the range, respectively." format: double nullable: true endRange: type: number description: "This field is used when the filter is a range,\r\nlike a price range. They represent the start and the end of the range, respectively." format: double nullable: true endInclusive: type: boolean description: The field determines whether the upper boundary (end) of a range is included in the range itself. nullable: true description: Facet FacetValue: type: object properties: displayName: type: string description: The display name of the facet value. nullable: true isSelected: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the facet value is selected. resultCount: type: integer description: The number of results for the facet value. format: int32 value: type: string description: The value of the facet value (if applicable). nullable: true endInclusive: type: boolean description: The field determines whether the upper boundary (end) of a range is included in the range itself. nullable: true startRange: type: number description: The start range of the facet value (if applicable). format: double nullable: true endRange: type: number description: The end range of the facet value (if applicable). format: double nullable: true description: 'Represents a value within a facet, allowing users to filter search results.' FamilyTree: type: object properties: iD: type: string description: This is the unique ID that represents the full hierarchy (at its greatest depth) that the item resides under. nullable: true nodes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Node' description: list of items nullable: true description: The family tree within this item resides Feature: type: object properties: attributeName: type: string description: Name of the attribute nullable: true attributeValue: type: string description: 'Value of the attribute. For Multi valued attribute, it would be comma seperated string' nullable: true description: Feature FiltersRequest: required: - facets - locationCode type: object properties: facets: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FacetRequest' description: This is a list of filters that the user wants to apply. nullable: true locationCode: minLength: 1 type: string description: This is the criterion that the user wants to use to sort the search results. availableInStoreAllProducts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AvailableInStore' description: This is an object that contains all the filters that the user wants to apply to the search. ForbiddenRequestsProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: 'The request contained valid data and was understood by the server, but the server is refusing action. This may be due to the user not having the necessary permissions for a resource or needing an account of some sort, or attempting a prohibited action (e.g. creating a duplicate record where only one is allowed). This code is also typically used if the request provided authentication via the WWW-Authenticate header field, but the server did not accept that authentication. The request should not be repeated.' ForeignSupplier: type: object properties: incoTerms: type: string description: "The IncoTerms (see\r\nthat purchases from this supplier\r\nfor this item will be under" nullable: true foreignSupplierCode: type: string description: Items foreign supplier code. nullable: true description: Details related to foreign suppliers. FulfilmentDetails: type: object properties: deliveryType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeliveryTypeClass' freightType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeliveryTypeClass' isDirectDelivery: type: boolean description: "Is the item available for direct delivery only.\r\nIf IsDirectDelivery is true and FreightType is blank then it is the Direct Delivery item that doesn't incur freight charges." leadTimes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeadTimes' description: " It is assumed all values are in days and is calculated based upon calculated Rank 1 Supplier.\r\nThis element contains logistical information for the item." GenericValidationErrorsProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' nullable: true description: "Returns list of custom validation error with error code.\r\nExample:\r\n \"errors\": {\r\n \"transactionRef\": [\r\n { \"message\": \"Transaction reference number must be 20 digits number.\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-0001\" },\r\n { \"message\": \"Transaction reference number cannot start with 6 (this is just an example).\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-0002\" }\r\n ],\r\n \"end\": [\r\n { \"message\": \"The selected date range must be no larger than 90 days, selected range is 113 days\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-003\" }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\nFind details here" nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: GenericValidationErrorsProblemDetails HateOasLinks: type: object properties: rel: type: string description: Gets or sets the rel. nullable: true href: type: string description: Gets or sets the href. nullable: true methods: type: array items: type: string description: Gets or sets the methods. nullable: true description: Hypermedia links HazardousContent: type: object properties: measure: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' chemicalIngredients: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChemicalIngredients' description: Hazardous contents informations HeatingAndCooling: type: object properties: rating: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rating' description: Energy rating of lighting type nullable: true description: Energy Ratings associated with lighting Hierarchy: type: object properties: childBarcode: maxLength: 14 minLength: 8 type: string description: "The bar code number for this product. A bar code can be 8 to g``943 digits\r\n for the item bar code itself.And package bar codes can be 14 digits." nullable: true childQuantity: type: number description: Quanitity of children contained within this pack. format: double baseUnitBarcode: maxLength: 14 minLength: 8 type: string description: "The bar code number for this product. A bar code can be 8 to g``943 digits\r\n for the item bar code itself.And package bar codes can be 14 digits." nullable: true baseUnitQuantity: type: number description: Number of base units contained within this pack. format: double description: Packaging Hierarchy barcode and quantity InStoreLocation: type: object properties: aisle: type: string description: Aisle id in store nullable: true aisleIsLabeled: type: boolean description: Does the aisle have a visible label within the store. aisleDescription: type: string description: Aisle Description in store nullable: true bay: type: string description: Bay id in the given aisle in store nullable: true sequence: type: string description: Sequence number for the item within the bay nullable: true description: In store location details of item Item: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true readOnly: true itemNumber: type: string description: The Bunnings unique identifier for this Item. This is a 7 numerical character string. nullable: true brand: type: string description: Brand Name nullable: true comparisonUom: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ComparisonUom' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Description' familyTree: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FamilyTree' unspscCode: type: string description: This is the UNSPSC code that represents the type of item. nullable: true startDate: type: string description: The date time this item starts in the system. format: date-time endDate: type: string description: The date time this item ends in the system. format: date-time nullable: true lastUpdate: type: string description: The date time this item was last updated. format: date-time taxInformation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxInformation' itemType: type: string description: item type nullable: true minimumGrades: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MinimumGrade' description: Array of minimum grades of an item based on location types. nullable: true saleUnitOfMeasure: type: string description: 'The unit of measure this item is sold in, EACH, L/M ...' nullable: true productOffer: type: string description: "This is the different methods in which a product is offered\r\nenum:\r\n - Standard\r\n - Custom Made\r\n - Made To Order\r\ndefault: Standard" nullable: true barcodes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Barcode' description: The complete set of barcodes connected to this item. nullable: true sourcing: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Sourcing' zoningInformation: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Zone' description: Zoning information nullable: true ratingsRiskAndCompliance: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RatingsRiskAndCompliance' usageAttributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UsageAttributes' wholeUnitOnly: type: boolean description: Whole Unit Only nullable: true searchable: type: boolean description: Searchable nullable: true sellable: type: boolean description: Sellable nullable: true tradeOnlyItem: type: boolean description: Flag to indicate if item is trade only nullable: true saleUomSplittingRules: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SaleUomSplittingRulesType' enrichedData: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EnrichedItem' relationships: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Relationship' description: Array of relationships of an item. nullable: true correlation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Correlation' packagingHierarchy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PackagingHierarchy' description: Items ItemDetails: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true readOnly: true items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' description: List of Items nullable: true description: Item details ItemLocationMessage: type: object properties: messageId: type: string description: Message Identifier nullable: true itemNumber: type: string description: The Bunnings unique identifier for this Item. This is a 7 numerical character string. nullable: true locationCode: type: string description: Message for this location nullable: true country: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryCode' text: type: string description: Message text nullable: true caption: type: string description: Message caption nullable: true icon: type: string description: 'Type of icon e.g. Stop, Warning, Hand' nullable: true helpContext: type: string description: Help context nullable: true severity: type: string description: Severity of this message nullable: true displayRule: type: string description: 'Display rule e.g. 1, 2' nullable: true saleRule: type: string description: Sale rule e.g. 1 nullable: true showContact: type: boolean description: Flag which indicates whether to show contact familyTreeList: type: string description: Family tree list nullable: true endDate: type: string description: End date for the message format: date-time nullable: true lastUpdated: type: string description: Last updated format: date-time description: Item message for a location ItemLocationSearchV1_2: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true readOnly: true itemNumber: pattern: '[0-9]{7}' type: string description: The Bunnings unique identifier for this Item. This is a 7 numerical character string. nullable: true locationCode: pattern: '[0-9]{4}' type: string description: The location this location specific information relates to nullable: true itemStatus: type: string description: Status of the item for the location nullable: true isOnRecall: type: boolean description: Is the item recalled isRanged: type: boolean description: The ranging status of the item availability: type: string description: Availability info nullable: true primaryBarcode: pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9:\.\-_=+#\/\*]{8,14}' type: string description: Primary barcode nullable: true inStoreLocations: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InStoreLocation' description: Locations that the item can be found within the store nullable: true suppliers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationSupplier' description: Suppliers of the product for this location nullable: true messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationMessage' description: Messages to an item for this location nullable: true description: This resource provides items ranged to a specific location. ItemLocationSupplier: type: object properties: supplierCode: type: string description: A unique identifier for this supplier a supplier code is an alphanumeric string nullable: true siteCode: type: string description: Unique identifier for this purchasing site. nullable: true priority: type: integer description: Order priority for this item and supplier format: int64 nullable: true startDate: type: string description: The date time this supplier starts in the system. format: date-time endDate: type: string description: The data time this supplier is archived. format: date-time nullable: true description: Suppliers of the product for this location ItemLocationV1_2: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true readOnly: true itemNumber: pattern: '[0-9]{7}' type: string description: The Bunnings unique identifier for this Item. This is a 7 numerical character string. nullable: true locationCode: pattern: '[0-9]{4}' type: string description: The location this location specific information relates to nullable: true itemStatus: type: string description: Status of the item for the location nullable: true itemDetail: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Item' isOnRecall: type: boolean description: Is the item recalled isRanged: type: boolean description: The ranging status of the item availability: type: string description: Availability info nullable: true primaryBarcode: pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9:\.\-_=+#\/\*]{8,14}' type: string description: Primary barcode nullable: true inStoreLocations: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InStoreLocation' description: Locations that the item can be found within the store nullable: true suppliers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationSupplier' description: Suppliers of the product for this location nullable: true isSellableInStore: type: boolean description: Is this item sellable in store messages: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ItemLocationMessage' description: Messages to an item for this location nullable: true description: This resource provides items ranged to a specific location. JurisdictionType: enum: - Domestic - Foreign type: string description: Jurisdiction Types LeadTimes: type: object properties: supplierDispatch: type: string description: Time taken for the supplier to process the order ready for shipment to destination nullable: true supplierToBunnings: type: string description: 'Time for shipment from supplier to Bunnings Location, i.e. transit time' nullable: true supplierToCustomer: type: string description: This is the Direct Delivery shipment Lead time. From supplier to customer location nullable: true bunningsDispatch: type: string description: Duration taken for Bunnings loaction to deliver item to customer location once item has been recieved by the store. nullable: true description: Lead times for product transition events. Lighting: type: object properties: rating: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EnergyRating' description: Energy rating of lighting type nullable: true description: lighting LinkedTimberChildRelationship: type: object properties: childItem: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChildItem' description: A list of child items nullable: true description: Linked Timber Child Relationship of an item. LinkedTimberParentRelationship: type: object properties: parentItemNumber: type: string description: Parent Item Number nullable: true MultipleOfParent: type: number description: Multiple of Parent format: decimal description: Linked Timber Parent Relationship of an item. LocationRestrictions: enum: - ALL - NONE - LIST type: string description: Type of restrictions based on location Locations: type: object properties: location: pattern: '[0-9]{4}' type: array items: type: string description: list of locations nullable: true description: locations Measurement: type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string description: unit of measurement nullable: true value: type: number description: Volume format: double nullable: true description: Volume measurement MediaType: type: object properties: code: type: string description: Unique and mandatory code for media asset nullable: true primaryAssetURL: type: string description: URL for Media. Public URL to for Image or thumbnail image of video nullable: true secondaryAssetURL: type: string description: BrightCove ID of video nullable: true name: type: string description: Name of the Media nullable: true disclaimer: type: string description: disclaimer for the Media nullable: true mime: type: string description: MIME Type for the Media nullable: true associatedTo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentSection' associatedToSpecified: type: boolean description: Is MIME Type for the Media provided description: Logo for the brand MinimumGrade: type: object properties: locationType: type: string description: 'The location type this grade is related for. Examples Warehouse, Trade Centre, FrameAndTruss, DC' nullable: true grade: type: string description: Grade level descriptor nullable: true description: Minimum grade of an item based on location types MissingResourceProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: A machine-readable format for specifying resource not found errors in HTTP API responses based on Node: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the family tree level e.g. Category or Department nullable: true level: type: integer description: 'The level number, this should be unique, e.g. Category = Level 1, Department = Level 2' format: int32 value: type: string description: Value for this family tree node e.g. Building Material nullable: true description: Family Tree Information(Category|Department) Origin: type: object properties: country: type: string description: country nullable: true factory: type: string description: factory nullable: true description: Product Origin OverridingSupplier: type: object properties: supplierCode: type: string description: supplier code nullable: true startDate: type: string description: start date format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string description: end date format: date-time nullable: true packQty: type: number description: package quantity format: double nullable: true packUOM: type: string description: package uom nullable: true supplierBarcodes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupplierBarCode' description: supplier barcodes nullable: true countriesOfOrigin: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Origin' description: supplier barcodes nullable: true costs: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CostDetail' description: cost details nullable: true reason: type: string description: reason nullable: true description: overriding supplier PackagingHierarchy: type: object properties: outerBarcodes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PackagingHierarchyBarcodes' innerBarcodes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PackagingHierarchyBarcodes' description: The complete set of inner and outer barcodes connected to the item. PackagingHierarchyBarcode: type: object properties: number: type: string description: A bar code that belongs to this item. nullable: true level: type: string description: "Is this a barcode for one unit of this item or a case of them.\r\nBarcodeLevelValues:\r\n A Consumer barcode is a barcode on the item that will be sold to the consumer.\r\n A Case barcode is a barcode on a shipping carton containing x number of the consumer item.\r\n enum:\r\n - Consumer\r\n - Case" nullable: true packaging: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Box' description: "Packaging information regarding the number, size, volume, weight of the components that make up the item.\r\nPackaging information is at manufacturer level, manufacturers are allocated barcodes not suppliers." nullable: true hierarchy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Hierarchy' AdditionalDescription: type: string description: "Additional description for the barcoded product e.g. for greenlife this is most likely to be the\r\nbotanical name of the product" nullable: true supplierItemNumber: type: string description: Item number for this product designate within the suppliers systems. nullable: true itemNumber: type: string description: Item number of the outer or inner item in the packaging hiearchy nullable: true description: Packageing hierarchy barcode type PackagingHierarchyBarcodes: type: object properties: barcode: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PackagingHierarchyBarcode' description: Packaging hierarchy barcodes nullable: true description: The complete set of barcodes connected to this item. PendingStatus: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Next pending Status of the item nullable: true date: type: string description: Datetime it becomes effective format: date-time description: pending status ProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: A machine-readable format for specifying errors in HTTP API responses based on ProductDimension: type: object properties: productDimensionLabel: type: string description: The dimenesion Label for product nullable: true productDimensionWidth: type: number description: The width of the product format: decimal productDimensionHeight: type: number description: The height of the product format: decimal productDimensionDepth: type: number description: The depth/length of the product format: decimal description: Product dimension info Rating: type: object properties: ratingName: type: string description: Rating name nullable: true value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' description: 'Energy rating for heating and cooling products, this includes hot water systems' RatingsRiskAndCompliance: type: object properties: highRisk: type: string description: high risk nullable: true supplierDeclarationsOfConformity: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUrl' description: supplier declaration of conformity nullable: true weightRating: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' safetyStandards: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SafetyStandards' dangerousGood: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DangerousGood' timberProduct: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimberProduct' buildingProduct: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BuildingProduct' wels: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Wels' energyRatings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EnergyRatings' description: ratings Risk and Compliance Relationship: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Type of relationship nullable: true linkedTimberParentRelationship: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkedTimberParentRelationship' linkedTimberChildRelationship: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkedTimberChildRelationship' description: Relationship of an item. Restriction: type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RestrictionType' locations: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Locations' locationRestrictions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LocationRestrictions' saleQuantity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SaleQuantity' minimumAge: type: integer description: Minumum Age applicable to Restriction format: int32 description: "Restriction Types\r\n- RESTRICTED Item is for sale at restricted locations however is visible to all locations\r\n- EXCLUSIVE Item is for exclusive sale at restricted locations(e.g.Trade Centre only items), all other locations are unable to see or sell this product" RestrictionSizing: type: object properties: maxQuantity: type: integer description: Maximum UOM quanity that can be sold. format: int64 maxLength: type: number description: 'Maximum length of an item that can be purchased (e.g. Timber Tally, rope, shade cloth)' format: double description: Max Quantity and Max length of an item that can be purchased RestrictionType: enum: - Unknown - RESTRICTED - EXCLUSIVE - SALE_QUANTITY - AGE type: string description: Restriction Types SafetyStandards: type: object properties: aCCCMandatoryStandard: type: string description: "Mandatory safety standards are made for products that are likely to be especially hazardous. Information\r\nrequires suppliers to give consumers prescribed information when they purchase specified goods, for example\r\nblinds, curtains and window fittings, fire extinguishers, trolley jacks, portable swimming pools, etc.\r\nFor full list visit the ACCC website." nullable: true standards: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Standard' description: Definitions of standards and their reference number nullable: true safetyDataSheet: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentUrl' description: Safety standards type that may be applicable to an item SaleQuantity: type: object properties: iD: type: string description: The identifier of the restriction nullable: true alertBaseMessage: type: string description: Base message that would be shown to a Team Member nullable: true alertCustomerMessage: type: string description: Messages that would be presented to a Customer nullable: true restrictionSizing: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RestrictionSizing' validTransactions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidTransactions' description: Details around the Restricted Items sale SaleUomSplittingRulesType: type: object properties: minimum: type: number description: Minimum format: decimal nullable: true maximum: type: number description: Maximum format: decimal nullable: true increment: type: number description: Increment format: decimal nullable: true description: Sale UOM Splitting Rules Type SearchModelRequest: required: - filters - query - sortBy type: object properties: query: type: string description: This is the search term that the user is looking for. filters: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FiltersRequest' sortBy: minLength: 1 type: string description: This is the criterion that the user wants to use to sort the search results. description: Search model SearchResponse: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SearchResult' description: The list of search results returned by the query. nullable: true facets: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Facet' description: The list of facets available for filtering the search results. nullable: true description: 'Represents the response from a search query, including search results and available facets for filtering.' SearchResult: type: object properties: _meta: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Gets or sets the meta. nullable: true readOnly: true _links: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HateOasLinks' description: The links. nullable: true title: type: string description: The Item title nullable: true itemNumber: type: string description: The item number of the search result. nullable: true description: Represents a search result. ServerErrorProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: ServerErrorProblemDetails Service: type: object properties: serviceName: type: string description: Name of the service nullable: true serviceID: type: string description: Unique and mandatory code for Service nullable: true description: type: string description: 'Optional, description of the service' nullable: true serviceIcon: type: string description: Type of the service nullable: true serviceStatus: type: boolean description: ServiceStatus flag batchCountry: type: string description: 'Mandatory, Country of the service' nullable: true description: Product service info Sourcing: type: object properties: suppliers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Supplier' description: suppliers nullable: true overridingSuppliers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OverridingSupplier' description: overriding suppliers nullable: true description: Sourcing Standard: type: object properties: standardName: type: string description: "The type of domestic or international technical standard that the product is accredited/tested to,\r\ni.e.AS(Australian Standard), EU, US or ISO standards, FSC (Forest Management / Chain of Custody),\r\nAFS, PEFC, AS/NZS, etc." nullable: true referenceNumber: type: string description: "Relates to the actual standard or certificate reference number that applies to the products\r\naccreditation or registration under the standard type, e.g.the standard type is AS/NZS the\r\n certification reference number is 3019." nullable: true description: Definition of a standard and its reference number Supplier: type: object properties: supplierCode: type: string description: supplier code nullable: true startDate: type: string description: start date format: date-time nullable: true endDate: type: string description: end date format: date-time nullable: true packQty: type: number description: package quantity format: double nullable: true packUOM: type: string description: package uom nullable: true supplierBarcodes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupplierBarCode' description: supplier barcodes nullable: true countriesOfOrigin: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Origin' description: supplier barcodes nullable: true costs: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CostDetail' description: cost details nullable: true jurisdiction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/JurisdictionType' foreignSupplier: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForeignSupplier' description: supplier info SupplierBarCode: type: object properties: number: type: string description: A bar code that belongs to this item. nullable: true level: type: string description: "Is this a barcode for one unit of this item or a case of them.\r\nBarcodeLevelValues:\r\n A Consumer barcode is a barcode on the item that will be sold to the consumer.\r\n A Case barcode is a barcode on a shipping carton containing x number of the consumer item.\r\n enum:\r\n - Consumer\r\n - Case" nullable: true packaging: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Box' description: "Packaging information regarding the number, size, volume, weight of the components that make up the item.\r\nPackaging information is at manufacturer level, manufacturers are allocated barcodes not suppliers." nullable: true hierarchy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Hierarchy' AdditionalDescription: type: string description: "Additional description for the barcoded product e.g. for greenlife this is most likely to be the\r\nbotanical name of the product" nullable: true supplierItemNumber: type: string description: Item number for this product designate within the suppliers systems. nullable: true primary: type: boolean description: "The primary bar code for this item for this supplier only one bar code for an item\r\nsupplier can be the primary." description: Supplier bar code SupplierCompliance: type: object properties: supplierCode: type: string description: Supplier code nullable: true certificationClaim: type: string description: The products marked FSC/PEFC/AFS or similar timber certification logo/claim nullable: true certificationCode: type: string description: The full certificate number or licence code as it appears on the product for verification. nullable: true description: Suppliers compliance data containing certificatio claim and certification code. TaxInformation: type: object properties: taxCode: type: string description: The tax code for this product. Using the tax code a tax rate for a period can be established. nullable: true taxRate: type: number description: Current tax rate of the item. format: double description: Tax code and tax rate for the item TimberProduct: type: object properties: supplierCompliance: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupplierCompliance' description: Suppliers compliance data containing certificatio claim and certification code. nullable: true description: Specific timber product certification data Toilet: type: object properties: fullFlush: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' halfFlush: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' averageFlush: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' description: toilet TooManyRequestsProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: TooManyRequestsProblemDetails TransactionType: enum: - SALE - RETURN type: string description: he types of transactions that can occur UsageAttributes: type: object properties: productCoverage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' description: usage attribute ValidTransactions: type: object properties: transaction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransactionType' description: The type of transaction that this restriction applies to ValidationError: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Custom validation error message. nullable: true code: type: string description: "Custom error code.\r\nExample: E-TRA-0001\r\nFind details here" nullable: true instance: type: string description: The action route the validation failed against. nullable: true correlationId: type: string description: The provided correlation id. nullable: true traceId: type: string description: Internal trace id. nullable: true description: Custom validation error with error code. ValidationErrorsProblemDetails: type: object properties: type: type: string description: "A URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type. This specification encourages that, when\r\ndereferenced, it provide human-readable documentation for the problem type\r\n(e.g., using HTML [W3C.REC-html5-20141028]). When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be\r\n\"about:blank\"." nullable: true title: type: string description: "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type.It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence\r\nof the problem, except for purposes of localization(e.g., using proactive content negotiation;\r\nsee[RFC7231], Section 3.4)." nullable: true status: type: integer description: 'The HTTP status code([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.' format: int32 nullable: true detail: type: string description: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. nullable: true instance: type: string description: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem.It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. nullable: true errors: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' nullable: true description: "Returns list of custom validation error with error code.\r\nExample:\r\n \"errors\": {\r\n \"transactionRef\": [\r\n { \"message\": \"Transaction reference number must be 20 digits number.\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-0001\" },\r\n { \"message\": \"Transaction reference number cannot start with 6 (this is just an example).\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-0002\" }\r\n ],\r\n \"end\": [\r\n { \"message\": \"The selected date range must be no larger than 90 days, selected range is 113 days\", \"code\": \"E-TRA-003\" }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\nFind details here" nullable: true additionalProperties: { } description: A machine-readable format for specifying validation errors in HTTP API responses based on VariantOption: type: object properties: variantValueCategory: type: string description: Variant value category nullable: true variantCategory: type: string description: Variant category nullable: true description: The variant value category enriched at the variant WebCommerceAttributes: type: object properties: visible: type: boolean description: Is the item visible on the web transactable: type: boolean description: Is the item transactable on the web inStorePickup: type: boolean description: Is the item available for in-store pickup AvailableForDelivery: type: boolean description: Is the item available for delivery comment: type: string description: Comment on the item that is web applicable. nullable: true description: List of attributes specifically associated to website data presentation Weight: type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string description: Unit of Measurement nullable: true net: type: number description: Net weight format: double gross: type: number description: Gross weight format: double description: Weight measurement WeightRating: type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string description: unit of measurement nullable: true value: type: number description: Volume format: double nullable: true description: Basic measurement Wels: type: object properties: watermarkCertificate: type: string description: Watermark Certificate nullable: true starRating: type: number description: Star Rating format: double nullable: true consumption: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WeightRating' toilet: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Toilet' dishwasher: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dishwasher' description: Ratings associated with WELS Zone: type: object properties: retailZone: type: string description: Collection of stores that have the same base price/attributes nullable: true region: type: string description: 'Geographic Region for applicable data, this is not equivalent to political regions' nullable: true status: type: string description: Current status of the item nullable: true pendingStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PendingStatus' restrictions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Restriction' description: restrictions nullable: true fulfilmentDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FulfilmentDetails' webCommerceAttributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebCommerceAttributes' bulletinNumber: type: string description: bulletin number nullable: true bulletinDate: type: string description: bulletin date format: date-time nullable: true description: "A Zone represents the intersection of a RetailZone and a Region. The most practical example of this is where\r\nRetailZone = RZ 1\r\n but has two geographic regions\r\n Region = NSW Metro\r\n Region = ACT\r\n Prices are the highest within the RetailZone/Region" securitySchemes: oauth2: type: oauth2 flows: implicit: authorizationUrl: scopes: itm:details: Can be used to get the item information we have on file for a country clientCredentials: tokenUrl: scopes: itm:details: Can be used to get the item information we have on file for a country bearer: type: http description: JWT Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT security: - oauth2: - itm:details - bearer: - itm:details tags: - name: Discovery description: Query API's endpoints - name: Item Location description: Get and/or manage Item Location - name: Items description: Get Items information