About the API
Spaces API is used for aisle and bay querying capabilities of all Bunnings stores. This API is responsible for querying aisles by departments, the composition of items within a bay.
This includes the following:
Aisles - These are operations available for sourcing aisle information
Get an aisle.
Search against aisles
Get aisle classifications
Bays - These are operations available for sourcing bay information
Get Bays of an aisle
Get Bay information
Search against Bays
Departments - These are operations available to access the departments or more information about departments within a store.
Get all departments
Get information on a department
Facings - a set of operations to search over facings in a store. A facing is an item on a shelf.
Search for item number facings across the fleet
Maps - a couple of endpoints that allow the caller to get a complete model of the store aisle and bay configuration
Return a known map to the caller
Search against a collection of maps
API Details
Authentication Methods
This API is using the following security policies:
Authorization OAuth 2.0
In order to use the required endpoints, you must first be issued a token. To get a token for this API, you must use our OAuth2 endpoint. Please see our Security section for details on using OAuth2, getting a token and using this token on this API.
Below are the base URLs used for this API:
Sandbox | |
Test | |
Live | |