App | An app (or application) that contains one or more sets of API keys that allow you access to Bunnings API products. |
API Key | Also known as credentials, an API key is made up of a key (Client ID) and Secret (client secret). An API key is used to access our APIs, by using the OAuth2 endpoint and swapping your key for a short-lived token. |
Sandbox |
The sandbox developer portal and our APIs that are available to you from our Sandbox environment. These APIs provide stubbed/mock responses that emulate the real responses from an API so that you can commence development immediately and safely. These APIs don’t require Bunnings to approve your access. |
Developer Portal | This site. Where you can view available APIs, view and manage your API keys, view API documentation (including OpenAPI Specs) and obtain Postman collections. |
API Gateway | The gateway to allow client applications to access Bunnings APIs over the internet. |
Test |
The test developer portal, and our APIs that are available to you from our non-production / test environment. These APIs provide more interactive responses using dummy (or test) data from our backend services so that you can fully test your application safely prior to requesting access to our live / production versions of the API. These APIs require Bunnings approval to access. |
Live |
The live developer portal, and our APIs that are available to you from our live / production environment. These APIs provide live production data and interfaces to our production systems. You must have successfully tested your application in test prior to accessing live APIs. These APIs require Bunnings approval to access. |
Member | These are developers registered on the Bunnings Developer Portal that are part of a team. |
Team | A group of one or more developers for the management, visibility and sharing of apps and API keys across multiple developers who are members of the team. |
Team Apps | An app (or application) owned by a team that contains one or more sets of API keys that allow that team, and its members, to access Bunnings API products, including partner APIs. These apps are only visible from the teams page. |
Developer | A person who is registered on the Bunnings Developer Portal and wishes to use Bunnings APIs. |
Partner API |
A partner API is an API that is reserved for those businesses that have a strategic or partner-like relationship with Bunnings and they require access to Bunnings systems that are not normally publicly accessible as part of that relationship. Partner API documentation and Products are not visible unless given permission by Bunnings. Partner APIs can only be accessed via team apps. |
API Product | The combination of one or more APIs that allow you access to specific resources that Bunnings allows access through that product. API products are accessed via approved API keys. |